Anarship Space Smuggler is a space themed shoot em up, take control of your smuggling ship and deliver your cargo to gangs and the underworld! You'll have to navigate through a vast universe filled with military devices trying to stop you!

Meet Rusty Rex the space cowboy, Azure the gangster queen ,01 the Punk robot and Kosmo the alien in a space trip across a giant map filled with action, reflexion and various secrets also....

This game challenges the player's thinking in their understanding of the level, their movement, and to give them a sense of freedom, whether in the way they play, the paths they take, or how they load their precious cargo. It's a game where the player's skills will be put to the test, to enhance their personal satisfaction and give them a sense of mastery...


The game consists of a single significant level, where the player will have to make round trips between four gangster outposts to deliver their cargo. To do this, they will receive a communication giving them the mission, as well as a map allowing the player to determine which path to take. Along the way, enemies and various obstacles will hinder them...

  • Dynamic Pathways: The game’s innovative package mechanics mean that players can encounter a variety of paths tailored to different sizes and shapes. This ensures each mission feels unique and demands strategic thinking.

  • Challenging Obstacles and Enemies: From rival governement devices and environement obstacles such as asteroids, players will face a variety of challenges. Mastering the game requires quick reflexes, strategic planning, and adaptability.

  • Expansive Single-Level Map: A meticulously designed map that offers a vast playground full of challenges for players to explore. With its intricate paths and diverse environments, each delivery represents new challenges and opportunities for reflexion and adaptability.

  • Immersive Mission System: Players receive missions through in-game communications, adding a narrative layer that guides them through their delivery tasks. A detailed map helps in planning the best routes, but the journey is filled with unpredictable dangers!

  • Secret Passages and Shortcuts: Encouraging thorough exploration, the map is filled with hidden routes and shortcuts. These secret passages not only provide faster travel options but also hide valuable power-ups...





  • Game Design and Developement: Haida GUERRRY and Killian FONTAINE
  • Art: Haida GUERRY
  • Sound design: Killian FONTAINE
  • Music: Haida  GUERRY

we are a team of two game devs and this is our first game, we would love getting your feedback!

Thanks to everyone that helped ans supported us

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